Mock•Roos has extensive experience in assisting local and regional utility clients (for over 20 entities in Palm Beach County) in rehabilitating, upgrading, and expanding their existing water and wastewater infrastructure. Our engineers are experts at understanding the interworking relationships between water supply, treatment, and disposal necessary to maintain functional and efficient systems. We are skilled in assisting clients with needs analysis, system master planning, multi-year capital improvement plans, and existing system conditions assessment and improvement programs. Our experts understand and implement the latest advanced treatment technologies to meet all current and projected regulations. Staff members have designed, permitted, and overseen the construction of thousands of miles of water distribution and wastewater collection systems and hundreds of pumping facilities. Mock•Roos has also developed numerous regional water supply solutions that rely on raw water from various sources, such as surface water, the surficial aquifer, the Floridan aquifer, or a combination.
Our staff specializes in designing efficient pumping systems for new installations and existing stations. We are experts at understanding the pump and pipeline hydraulics necessary to design an efficient and functional system. Expertise includes system modeling, hydraulic pump evaluation, pump troubleshooting, and applying Hydraulic Institute Standards to pump installations.
Water and Wastewater Services include: